Understanding Paint Coverage
Paint coverage and costs depend on various factors that affect both material quantity and application.
- Surface Area Total wall area determines base paint quantity needed.
- Paint Type Different finishes have varying coverage rates and costs.
- Surface Texture Rough surfaces require more paint than smooth ones.
- Number of Coats Multiple coats increase paint quantity and labor costs.
Paint Selection Guide
Best for low-traffic areas and hiding surface imperfections.
Ideal for living areas with moderate traffic.
Perfect for high-moisture areas and trim.
High Gloss
Best for doors, cabinets, and high-impact areas.
Quality Levels Explained
- Economy Basic coverage, suitable for temporary applications.
- Standard Good coverage and durability for general use.
- Premium Excellent coverage and long-lasting finish.
- Luxury Superior coverage, durability, and special features.
Preparation Tips
- Surface Prep Clean walls and repair damage before painting.
- Primer Use Consider primer for new drywall or color changes.
- Weather Conditions Paint in appropriate temperature and humidity levels.
- Tools Required Gather all necessary supplies before starting.