Understanding Truss Types
Different truss types serve various architectural and structural needs.
- Common Truss Standard triangular shape. Most common in residential construction.
- Scissor Truss Vaulted ceiling design. Bottom chord follows roof pitch.
- Parallel Chord Flat top and bottom. Ideal for floor systems.
- Bowstring Curved top chord. Efficient for long spans.
Load Considerations
Dead Loads
Include roofing, ceiling, mechanical systems.
Live Loads
Code requirements vary by region and use.
Snow Loads
Consider drift and sliding effects.
Wind Loads
Uplift and lateral forces. Zone-specific.
Material Selection
- Wood Cost-effective. Common in residential construction.
- Steel High strength. Ideal for long spans.
- Aluminum Lightweight. Corrosion resistant.
- Connections Plates, bolts, or welds based on material.
Design Considerations
Member Forces
Tension and compression. Buckling analysis.
Joint Design
Critical for load transfer. Proper detailing.
Lateral stability. Installation requirements.
Service limits. Long-term behavior.
Installation Tips
- Handling Proper lifting and support during installation.
- Temporary Bracing Essential for stability during construction.
- Connection Details Follow manufacturer specifications.
- Quality Control Inspection points. Documentation requirements.