Sand Calculator


Required Materials:

  • Sand Volume: 0 cubic yards
  • Sand Weight: 0 tons
  • Number of Bags (50 lb): 0
  • Truck Loads: 0

Estimated Cost Range:

Total: $0

Understanding Sand Types

Different types of sand serve various construction purposes based on their grain size and composition.

  • Mason Sand Fine-grained, uniform texture. Ideal for masonry work and mortar mixes.
  • Concrete Sand Coarser grains, well-graded. Perfect for concrete mixes and base material.
  • Fill Sand Mixed grain sizes, economical. Used for general filling and leveling.
  • Plaster Sand Very fine, screened sand. Essential for smooth plaster finishes.
  • Silica Sand Pure quartz sand. Used in specialized applications and pool filters.

Sand Properties & Testing


Well-graded sand contains various particle sizes. Improves compaction and strength.


Sand should be free from clay, silt, and organic matter. Test using jar method.

Moisture Content

Affects volume and mixing ratios. Account for moisture in calculations.

Sieve Analysis

Determines particle size distribution. Important for specific applications.

Application Guidelines

  • Concrete Mixing Use well-graded sand. Maintain proper water-cement ratio.
  • Mortar Applications Fine sand improves workability. Follow mix design specifications.
  • Base Material Compact in layers. Ensure proper moisture for compaction.
  • Plastering Screen sand for consistent texture. Control application thickness.

Storage & Handling

Storage Area

Store on hard, clean surface. Protect from contamination and rainfall.


Minimize handling to prevent segregation. Store different types separately.

Moisture Control

Cover stored sand. Monitor moisture content before use.

Safety Measures

Use dust masks when handling. Maintain stable stockpile slopes.

Environmental Considerations

  • Sourcing Use local sources when possible. Verify sustainable mining practices.
  • Dust Control Implement dust suppression measures. Consider wind direction during handling.
  • Runoff Management Prevent sand washing into drains. Install proper erosion controls.
  • Recycling Consider recycled sand options. Properly dispose of unused material.