Understanding Drainage Calculations
Proper drainage design is essential for water management and flood prevention.
- Runoff Coefficients Different surfaces have varying water absorption rates.
- Slope Effects Steeper slopes increase runoff velocity.
- Rainfall Intensity Local weather patterns affect system requirements.
- System Capacity Must handle peak flow conditions.
Hydrologic Analysis
- Runoff Calculations Rational method: Q = CIA. Time of concentration: Tc = L^0.8((1000/CN)-9)^0.7/(1900Y^0.5). SCS method: Q = (P-0.2S)²/(P+0.8S).
- Design Storm Return period: 2-100 years. Intensity duration: 5-60 min. Distribution type: I-IV. Peak intensity: i = a/(t+b)^c. IDF curves: regional.
- Basin Characteristics Shape factor: 0.1-0.3. Drainage density: 3-5 mi/mi². Relief ratio: 0.002-0.02. Bifurcation ratio: 3-5. Stream order: 1-6.
Surface Parameters
- Land Cover Impervious ratio: 0.2-0.9. Manning's n: 0.011-0.24. Depression storage: 0.05-0.3". Infiltration rate: 0.1-4.0 in/hr.
- Soil Properties HSG classification: A-D. Porosity: 0.3-0.5. Field capacity: 0.15-0.3. Wilting point: 0.05-0.15. Bulk density: 1.2-1.8 g/cm³.
- Topographic Factors Slope range: 0.5-10%. Aspect ratio: 1.5-3.0. Contour interval: 2-10'. Flow path: 100-5000'. Channel gradient: 0.001-0.05.
Design Standards
- System Requirements Collection efficiency: 90-95%. Inlet spacing: 200-400'. Bypass flow: <25%. Spread width: 6-8'. Ponding depth: 3-6".
- Performance Criteria Capture ratio: >80%. Hydraulic grade: 0.5-2%. Flow velocity: 3-10 ft/s. Freeboard: 20% depth. Safety factor: 1.25-1.5.
- Quality Control TSS removal: 80%. Peak reduction: 25%. Volume capture: 90%. First flush: 0.5-1.0". Treatment rate: WQv = (P)(Rv)(A)/12.
Maintenance Protocol
- Inspection Schedule Visual check: monthly. Sediment depth: quarterly. Structure integrity: annual. Vegetation control: semi-annual.
- Performance Monitoring Flow measurement: continuous. Water quality: monthly. Erosion check: quarterly. Infiltration test: annual.
- Remediation Triggers Sediment buildup: >3". Flow reduction: >20%. Structural damage: any. Ponding time: >48 hrs. Erosion depth: >2".
Design Considerations
Safety Factor
Include 25% capacity margin for storms.
Pipe Sizing
Account for minimum slopes and velocities.
Collection Points
Strategic placement of drains and gutters.
Maintenance Access
Include cleanouts and inspection points.
Surface Types Guide
- Roof Surfaces High runoff, requires immediate collection.
- Paved Areas Significant runoff, needs proper slopes.
- Grass/Lawn Natural absorption, slower runoff.
- Gravel Moderate absorption, filtered runoff.